Well I planned on starting this in Jan. but here it is Feb. How does time seem to aways be fast forwarding, my life is fast forwarding! I have got to slow down, I am always tired these days. I love my job of taking care of children, watching them grow and change is so amazing. this makes me 14 years. I also love photography and seems I have no time for it, well not near as much as I'd like!
For years I have been able to set up and take seasonal pictures of the children, right now I have babies along with older toddlers, with the babies it is pretty much impossible to get to set up and do pictures while the children are all here, I'm doing afternoon and weekend pictures mostly. now I have a husband I also want to spend time with,so my photography is on the days he works. I also have a grown son who does not drive! I seem to be his only taxi service, Our town has no other TAXI SERVICE. While I"m running errands to grocery store, Doctor appointments or what ever,it is taking my time, my precious time!
Now venting is a good thing, or at lest I believe it is, well seems I'm doing it here and sometimes to my sister so It's past due time to stop! No one wants to hear someone complain, NO ONE! Hix I'm tired of hearing my self and guess what, it makes me stress. Taking a deep breath and thinking of short cuts, yes short cuts in my life that will give me more time to do the things I enjoy.
This year 2014, I am going fishing and camping to relax and get out doors, I have not camped out in years, nor has my husband and he too works to many long hours! I"ve heard about working one's self into a early grave, if we don't slow down it is going to happen to both us.
Now that I"ve VENTED! I feel better, well some what.
I did get a surprise from my husband today, Valentine's Day is tomorrow, no it's today, it is 1:25 AM. OK back to the surprise, When I walked into our bed room tonight---my husband had the most beautiful vase holding TWO dozen roses and the sweetest card leaning against the vase.WOW not one but TWO, one dozen red and one dozen white. Now how many ladies out there going to get TWO dozen roses for Valentines Day, and we have a date night Valentine afternoon.
Happy Valentine's Day to me and my husband, I did get him a box of candy and a card! Happy Valentine's Day to all my dear friends and to my wonderful mom.
Oh and if you are wondering why I am up at 1:00 am, you see my husband is a fire fighter (he got fireman of the year again 2013) I'm very proud of him. One thing for sure is; when that pager goes off it is really hard to go back to sleep for awhile. Right now my husband is at a house fire, they usually take about three hours of work before he can come in shower to get the smoke smell gone and hop back into a warm bed. God Bless our firefighters, no easy job there, this lady is heading back to bed and hoping to fall asleep or at lest snooze some---hard to fall asleep until my husband is back home safe.
The Johnson Family News
A family blog---all about my day with children-good and bad days,What worries this mom---cute things kid's say,plus tips that work for me--fun with hubby---places to go things to do ---- Some of my favorites Recipes passed down from my family and several used right here in local restaurants.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Friday, July 12, 2013
Vacation Time count down
It is almost time for our vacation once again, this year we will be going back to beautiful Fl. and TAKING our grand girls Jadelyn and Madelyn, I am so excited I am just beside my self. Disney world here we come----HEX YEAH! They have waited so long for this time to come and I have too. We will be staying at Vacation Village at Parkway----it's a 5 star resort, it has so much to offer, 5 swimming pools, huge exercise room, large play ground, pool volley ball, nature trails, free night boat tours free transportation to all the area's main attractions. It is beautiful, and I plan to take many many pictures, it is only one mile from Disney World, we will also be able to see the Disney fire works from out Balcony.We plan on spending one day at Dayton's beach. They are also super excited about that and one day at universal studies.God has blesssed us to be able to plan this vacation and I pray he will guide us each day we are there and he watches over so we have a safe anf fun trip there and back.
COUNT DOWN---9 more days
Prayers still needed
Well my sister made it through the cancer surgery that was in her mouth, a 10 hour surgery, it was done in Little Rock Ar. in June,2013---the last week in June Freda found out she had cancer on her neck a different spot then the first time it was on her neck, her Dr. thinks this came from the first spot of cancer she had on her neck and when her Dr. in Batesville did that surgery they did not get it all as they thought, so July 2nd, 2013 she under went another cancer surgery her third one, leaving her another 5" scar, I hate seeing my sister with so many scars from her surgeries, but she is blessed and alive, once again her Dr. in Little Rock thinks she is cancer free, she will be going back the last week in July to have her staples removed, and she has been a real trooper dealing with this. Please keep her in your prayers and all the family. This is so hard on the whole family.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Ready for less stress and more enjoying life
Well it is May 2013 already and it seems like we just started a new year, once again time is flying by, I am staying way to busy,my new years resolution was to STOP Working so much,slow down, enjoy hobbies and family more (yes in that order). Do I even know how or where to start to make this happen.
I have seen family more but it has been because there has been so much illness in my family.
let me tell you a short version, not a lot of details, my sister Freda has been fighting for her life for three years now, she has beat a liver disease which almost killed her a year ago, Prayers answered, I was so afraid we was loosing her as only 15% of her liver was working, no liver surgery possible for it would kill her, she waited and waited 2 years to be put on a transplant list, (which her Doctors was 100% sure it would take) BUT God took care of that ,he healed her liver and even the doctors was amazed as she was loosing the battle it seemed, her weight loss was several lbs.,well let me just say she was almost skin and bones, then came the fluid build up in her whole body, swelled head to toe,could not get in or out of bed alone, her eyes was sunk in and her skin was yellow colored, she was having to get her tummy drained every two weeks removing any where from 10 to 18 lbs. of poisoning fluid in her body from liver failure.
Don't think for one second God does not heal!
This year she found out she had CANCER and has had two surgeries one to remove a lump in her throat that was cancer and another a month later to remove 40% of her tongue,
due to cancer, cigarettes are not worth it folks! it took a 10 hour surgery to do skin grafts from her hip taking muscle to rebuild the back of her tongue,and grafts from her arm and leg,to rebuild the front of her tongue, 6 weeks of a feeding tube through her nose to tummy, not even a drop of water in her mouth, over 100 stitches---less then a week ago she got her feeding tube removed, praise the Lord, she has got to once again enjoy a cup of coffee, smash her food and slowly eat smashed food. I have held her in my arms and prayed for her and prayed with her, we have shed so many tears, but thank God, we are also sharing tears of joy. Her husband took her two weeks and before her cancer surgery and bought her a Brand New Car of her choice, I told her, "you close your eyes and see your self driving that car girl, you do this every night, God's will , you will be healed, he can do it". she drove her car in a week after her tongue surgery, feeding tube hanging out her nose and all! GOD BLESS HER- PRAISE THE LORD- PRAISE THE LORD.
NOW, while she was going through the 6 weeks with the feeding tube, my oldest brother Douglas had a heart attack and had two stints put in and will be undergoing more surgery (because he was back in the hospital in a week) he has a really weak heart his Dr. told him and will need a defibrillator put in. Did I mention he was told he had to stop working and would not be returning EVER! well he worked a job where the house was provided, so yes he had to find a place to move to and with-in a month, God once again took care of my family, Prayers was going up and God worked, this time through Peter Gavin, the man in charge of HUD, low rent houses and handicap apartments for the low income people. In two weeks Doug and his wife Pasty (Patsy is also handicapped) are in a really nice handicapped apartment in a beautiful little housing area 10 minutes away from me, they did live 45 minutes away from me.
NOW, I left out the part where the day Douglas got to go home, his wife Patsy was very sick, she had been alone full of worry and was not able to drive or able to go sit at the hospital with Doug as he had done with her so many times, and after 40 years they spent a couple of days not seeing each other for the first time, this alone was hard on both them. they both worried about the other, Doug worried more about Pat being sick and alone then he did himself being down.
SO, Doug gets home and Pat is in bad shape, she did not even know Doug, she rode to the hospital that very day in an ambulance and still does not remember it. Test was run for two days on her and it was her heart!,( I think Dr. said something about a close call for her) 2 1/2 years ago Pat had a stint put in her heart, now she would be getting a pace maker put in. she had it put in her third day in the hospital and went home two days later.
TODAY, they are both siting side by side in their neat little apartment and in a since starting over. a big adjustment for them and a new lifestyle, and Doug awaits his appointment date to be given to go back into surgery and I am praying for the last time with his heart problem, or any problem for that matter. I visited them today and took them some flowers, they was both happy and loved their new home, Doug looked so rested (Dr. orders no lifting over 5 lbs. no bending,no stair climbing, and so forth and so on, all those Dr. rules he will have to abide by until he is better. Pat her color was so good, she was feeling better then she has in a few years she said.
NOW WHERE WAS I---OH YES REST, FAMILY, HOBBIES, I hope to get to start enjoying life again my self, worry takes a lot out of a person and stress is not good, now my blood pressure seems to get a little high now and then, and I have flower beds that need cleaning out and I want to get some flowers planted, I have folks asking me to do their pictures, and these things I love and call hobbies, I do realize even hobbies take work, I must slow down or I will be in the hospital my self, I love taking care of the children but it is a job that keeps me on my toes for sure, but I never could set still long, so I've all ways thought it was a great job for me and filled with blessings.
BUT, my husband and I could use a vacation. we both are hard workers and stay too busy. This year I want to go fishing , it has been many many years since I have went fishing, it is good for the soul, and use to be a hobby of my husbands before he got married, HA HA, but all hobbies have work involved, the key is to take our time and really enjoy our hobbies. I 'd like to see my husband also get back into enjoying a hobby and relaxing more. Life is to short not to take time to smell the roses as granny use to say or smell the coffee for that matter.
If you have not been enjoying life, whose to blame for that? Life is short no matter how long we are on this earth and today just might be our last, what would you like to be doing, think on it and then go out and do it.
I have seen family more but it has been because there has been so much illness in my family.
let me tell you a short version, not a lot of details, my sister Freda has been fighting for her life for three years now, she has beat a liver disease which almost killed her a year ago, Prayers answered, I was so afraid we was loosing her as only 15% of her liver was working, no liver surgery possible for it would kill her, she waited and waited 2 years to be put on a transplant list, (which her Doctors was 100% sure it would take) BUT God took care of that ,he healed her liver and even the doctors was amazed as she was loosing the battle it seemed, her weight loss was several lbs.,well let me just say she was almost skin and bones, then came the fluid build up in her whole body, swelled head to toe,could not get in or out of bed alone, her eyes was sunk in and her skin was yellow colored, she was having to get her tummy drained every two weeks removing any where from 10 to 18 lbs. of poisoning fluid in her body from liver failure.
Don't think for one second God does not heal!
This year she found out she had CANCER and has had two surgeries one to remove a lump in her throat that was cancer and another a month later to remove 40% of her tongue,
due to cancer, cigarettes are not worth it folks! it took a 10 hour surgery to do skin grafts from her hip taking muscle to rebuild the back of her tongue,and grafts from her arm and leg,to rebuild the front of her tongue, 6 weeks of a feeding tube through her nose to tummy, not even a drop of water in her mouth, over 100 stitches---less then a week ago she got her feeding tube removed, praise the Lord, she has got to once again enjoy a cup of coffee, smash her food and slowly eat smashed food. I have held her in my arms and prayed for her and prayed with her, we have shed so many tears, but thank God, we are also sharing tears of joy. Her husband took her two weeks and before her cancer surgery and bought her a Brand New Car of her choice, I told her, "you close your eyes and see your self driving that car girl, you do this every night, God's will , you will be healed, he can do it". she drove her car in a week after her tongue surgery, feeding tube hanging out her nose and all! GOD BLESS HER- PRAISE THE LORD- PRAISE THE LORD.
NOW, while she was going through the 6 weeks with the feeding tube, my oldest brother Douglas had a heart attack and had two stints put in and will be undergoing more surgery (because he was back in the hospital in a week) he has a really weak heart his Dr. told him and will need a defibrillator put in. Did I mention he was told he had to stop working and would not be returning EVER! well he worked a job where the house was provided, so yes he had to find a place to move to and with-in a month, God once again took care of my family, Prayers was going up and God worked, this time through Peter Gavin, the man in charge of HUD, low rent houses and handicap apartments for the low income people. In two weeks Doug and his wife Pasty (Patsy is also handicapped) are in a really nice handicapped apartment in a beautiful little housing area 10 minutes away from me, they did live 45 minutes away from me.
NOW, I left out the part where the day Douglas got to go home, his wife Patsy was very sick, she had been alone full of worry and was not able to drive or able to go sit at the hospital with Doug as he had done with her so many times, and after 40 years they spent a couple of days not seeing each other for the first time, this alone was hard on both them. they both worried about the other, Doug worried more about Pat being sick and alone then he did himself being down.
SO, Doug gets home and Pat is in bad shape, she did not even know Doug, she rode to the hospital that very day in an ambulance and still does not remember it. Test was run for two days on her and it was her heart!,( I think Dr. said something about a close call for her) 2 1/2 years ago Pat had a stint put in her heart, now she would be getting a pace maker put in. she had it put in her third day in the hospital and went home two days later.
TODAY, they are both siting side by side in their neat little apartment and in a since starting over. a big adjustment for them and a new lifestyle, and Doug awaits his appointment date to be given to go back into surgery and I am praying for the last time with his heart problem, or any problem for that matter. I visited them today and took them some flowers, they was both happy and loved their new home, Doug looked so rested (Dr. orders no lifting over 5 lbs. no bending,no stair climbing, and so forth and so on, all those Dr. rules he will have to abide by until he is better. Pat her color was so good, she was feeling better then she has in a few years she said.
NOW WHERE WAS I---OH YES REST, FAMILY, HOBBIES, I hope to get to start enjoying life again my self, worry takes a lot out of a person and stress is not good, now my blood pressure seems to get a little high now and then, and I have flower beds that need cleaning out and I want to get some flowers planted, I have folks asking me to do their pictures, and these things I love and call hobbies, I do realize even hobbies take work, I must slow down or I will be in the hospital my self, I love taking care of the children but it is a job that keeps me on my toes for sure, but I never could set still long, so I've all ways thought it was a great job for me and filled with blessings.
BUT, my husband and I could use a vacation. we both are hard workers and stay too busy. This year I want to go fishing , it has been many many years since I have went fishing, it is good for the soul, and use to be a hobby of my husbands before he got married, HA HA, but all hobbies have work involved, the key is to take our time and really enjoy our hobbies. I 'd like to see my husband also get back into enjoying a hobby and relaxing more. Life is to short not to take time to smell the roses as granny use to say or smell the coffee for that matter.
If you have not been enjoying life, whose to blame for that? Life is short no matter how long we are on this earth and today just might be our last, what would you like to be doing, think on it and then go out and do it.
Monday, March 18, 2013

Last picture was taken March 11th 2013, we got to enjoy some nice weather out on my balcony, and Tucker just had to bring along puppy dog, these days he is all about dogs, he gets so excited when he see's dogs and he just smiles and says DOG over and over as if he is so proud he knows what they are. Tucker is a blessing to all who knows him. He has such a warm sweet smile and loves everyone.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Just in time for bed
I have finely got my blog spot working again and now it is my bed time, lol, any who---I will be posting more about the events going on in our family, let me say this week is spring break and I will be having my two grandgirls all week, my first time ever, their mom will be out of town all week training on her new job and, I am lucky we have remained friends since the divorce of her and my son, I wished it never happened but I know I can't control grown people so I have kept my mouth closed on this subject and put it in God's hands, I know it is not my place to judge. I am old anough to know prayer is what they need not me taking sides, they have two beautiful girls and it took both to have them, we are blessed.
Above is a picture of my grandgirls and later in the week I'll get some from out spring break week together. I am so proud of them, they make me laugh.
Above is a picture of my grandgirls and later in the week I'll get some from out spring break week together. I am so proud of them, they make me laugh.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Welcome Little Tucker
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Life in the fast lane
I seem to have little time for me-----I have been trying to add more time for me into my schedule these days,I love my job,I do not like that every thing is pretty much closed up here when I get off work,I have made myself a once a month shop night,I am relaxing in our hottub more ALONE,and I do not let myself think about any problem mine or any one else--I have been telling more people,If I was getting paid to solve your problem,you'd have ask for your money back along time ago,I do good to take care of all that I need to do,so why put more on myself,I let people know if I have time to talk when I answer the phone,once I know it is not an emergency call,I plan a time to call back when both parties have time to chat.I have learned I never meet a stranger,seems I can meet people in walmart and they say "we should get together and shop or do lunch some time",I do know I love talking,maybe to much,but I also know I love and NEED my alone time.
I have a son who is going through a divorce and despite the fact that when I gave him a place to live, he was told by his wife who wanted him out like yesterday, "good luck with that,your mom will be all up in your ass" folks that know me well know that I am not one to be all up in any one's ass unless a child is not being taken care of! People that know my son also know, he is a great dad,cooks,cleans,sees to it his girls have done their home work and get their bathes and are in bed by 8:00pm, he does 80% of the house work, laundry and all.Need I say more,well when one bends over backwards and is not appreciated they may be living with a person more vain then they even know ,I love my grandchildren with all my heart and this up in your ass grandmother has not once call their home because I do not want to be in the middle of this,it is a journey they have to travel,I do pray for every thing to work out. Gods will be done! not mine. I will not bad mouth any one for it is not my place to judge-- my son does know, if he needs me or my husband ,we have both made it clear that we will be there and support him 100% through this-he is not alone.It is hard to see a child be hurt even if they are grown and it hurts to see children have a parent leave the family by choice or not-not in this case,Tony is not one to cause trouble and he is hurting pretty bad now,God & time will be the only medicine that will heal this pain and it will leave scars on his heart.Some times people turn out not to be who we thought they was and some times people change,things just do not turn out like we wanted them too,and people really need to think every thing through because we can not unscramble scrambled eggs.I have tried and it want work! a lesson to be learned,and a hard one for some people-----------God Bless Our Children. Let up pray his will be done not ours. God should come first,husband/wife,children then family.I feel for those who have yet to learn this.
It is my bed time----I pray for piece with in our family,healing,and world piece,God wrap your arms around the ones who have broken hearts,lost love ones,need healing,are in pain,your will be done not mine,this I pray in Jesus name, Amen
I have a son who is going through a divorce and despite the fact that when I gave him a place to live, he was told by his wife who wanted him out like yesterday, "good luck with that,your mom will be all up in your ass" folks that know me well know that I am not one to be all up in any one's ass unless a child is not being taken care of! People that know my son also know, he is a great dad,cooks,cleans,sees to it his girls have done their home work and get their bathes and are in bed by 8:00pm, he does 80% of the house work, laundry and all.Need I say more,well when one bends over backwards and is not appreciated they may be living with a person more vain then they even know ,I love my grandchildren with all my heart and this up in your ass grandmother has not once call their home because I do not want to be in the middle of this,it is a journey they have to travel,I do pray for every thing to work out. Gods will be done! not mine. I will not bad mouth any one for it is not my place to judge-- my son does know, if he needs me or my husband ,we have both made it clear that we will be there and support him 100% through this-he is not alone.It is hard to see a child be hurt even if they are grown and it hurts to see children have a parent leave the family by choice or not-not in this case,Tony is not one to cause trouble and he is hurting pretty bad now,God & time will be the only medicine that will heal this pain and it will leave scars on his heart.Some times people turn out not to be who we thought they was and some times people change,things just do not turn out like we wanted them too,and people really need to think every thing through because we can not unscramble scrambled eggs.I have tried and it want work! a lesson to be learned,and a hard one for some people-----------God Bless Our Children. Let up pray his will be done not ours. God should come first,husband/wife,children then family.I feel for those who have yet to learn this.
It is my bed time----I pray for piece with in our family,healing,and world piece,God wrap your arms around the ones who have broken hearts,lost love ones,need healing,are in pain,your will be done not mine,this I pray in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Rita's Photography----Hot Springs Ar.wedding--May-2011
Today we become a family----Thanks to Tim and Linda and those beautiful dogs,I got these great pictures,they had this done on a 20x30 size canvas ,such a sweet couple and being a dog lover,I loved their dogs. The wedding was beautiful,thank you for letting me be your photographer. I loved it.
I just got this picture back and it is just beautiful----the couple had it matted in a 20x30 size canvas---the wedding was in the spring of 2011,they had so many pictures to look at that it took them awhile to decide which ones to pick for this canvas picture-I think they picked well-I love it.
I just got this picture back and it is just beautiful----the couple had it matted in a 20x30 size canvas---the wedding was in the spring of 2011,they had so many pictures to look at that it took them awhile to decide which ones to pick for this canvas picture-I think they picked well-I love it.

Happy New Year



A new year is here,and it seems to me that 2011 just went by to fast,when I was a young girl I always heard my granny say,"as we get older seems time flies" well I know what she was talking about,seems time does fly these days.Today we are having a beautiful day,not even cold out,sweater weather,and so far we have not had any really cold days,I know winter weather has to be in our near future,but I will say I am loving this Ar. weather.The children all got to go out to play.I am missing Eryn pretty bad,she only comes once a week while her mom is on bed rest with her twin siblings (boy and girl).Eryn is due to be a big sister April 30Th 2012,16 more weeks.I am not sure when or even if I will be taking care of them yet,playing it by ear as granny would say(I miss my granny's sayings-I miss Granny) I do have an opening here for another child and I hope I fill it soon,all boys now,I would wish for a girl but I'm not sure I'd wish that on a girl.I will be getting a new born around last of may 2012 or first of June 2012--it will be a boy.
I have took some pictures of Isaac in the last week and so I am sharing them.Isaac is as sweet as he is cute.
We are attached to him in every way.He loves getting his picture made and gets jealous if I am taking pictures and he is not in some.
Changing the subject,my washing machine is in the shop,I am really missing it,I took clothes to my sons house to wash,I called to check on my washer and was told maybe in a couple more days---I hope it can be fixed,the spin cycle stopped working.I was also told that all the companies that make washers and dryers are going to front load,not happy to hear that either.They look nice,cost more and I was not needing one or at lest i did not think I was,looks like I may be needing a set one day.
Today we had a mouse die in my tanning/PC room -----it was smelling something terrible,I gagged and sputtered something terrible too.I did find it,cleaned the carpet where it lay and put air fresher plug in's in that room,those smell so nasty,I was wondering "could a dead skunk smell any worse?" after that was all clean, the year old little one I have here pooped twice and really smelled up the whole house,I need a changing table on the balcony lol.Some days I wonder is this really my calling? Then I remember the little smiles,hear the laughter,feel the sweet hugs and listen as they playing hearing their sweet voice and yes I know it really is my calling,I love Children,love knowing while here the children are being cared for and loved as if they was my own.I am glad when the after noon comes and it is just my husband and me here,nice quiet,there is a reason God made us to have children while young!and I can understand why some animals are created to eat their young----ha ha ha, TALK ABOUT NIP IT IN THE BUD GRANNY---preteen,teen problems sloved right there.Just kidding---I do love a good joke, you got to admit that was good!
And with that said: I will end this blog here,,,,Happy New year to all who read this and god Bless you all.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
No Expiration ---no bar code-

Now is this not the coolest-----no bar code and, I have had this coupon for years too, my boys was little when I got this late 70's early 80's ,need I say more----I go back when it comes to saving a dime,these days I have been saving several dollars using coupons, just today I ran in and our of two local stores with a hand full of items from each store and saved about $40.00---------yes I have joined the extreme coupon folks. Go ahead and laugh; some of you will I know,it's fine with me--It does take some time but I find it is worth it,this month alone I have saved around $150.00 on items I use each and every day and I have got several items for free of under 50 cents,I am stacking up on fabric softener,gain laundry detergent,cleaning supplies and can,jar,and frozen foods,I love it.I can see I am headed for the swap met group-lol----I find I talk way to much about my great deals,like 50cents for Welsh grape jelly-- 18 cents 2 liter soft drinks,free frozen birds eye veg,(12 free bags)25cents tooth paste,free tooth brushes,I am hooked on saving,and if you comp at walmart for a gallon of milk,Kmart has it $3.03 a gal. every day,I comp to save too.our local dallor tree store now has a frozen dept. where you can get several items for a buck,I love it.
If you don't take the time to use coupons and comp and need to save some money-it will save you a lot,Christmas is coming up,times are hard for a lot of folks and the economy is just not good,So "Happy Hunting" for the good deals that is. I feel like I throw away money if I have to pay regular price on good name brand items,I have coupons for most every thing I buy-----So when shopping for a good deal "don't forget your coupons!"
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