Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Time and Time gone by

I woke up early and decided to have breakfast,shower and surprise my hubby by being awake when he comes home from work,he gets here at about 7:10 am,on week-In's, I am usually sleeping in,I barely know he is home until I awake at around 9 am. On week days I wake up and read as I sip on my morning coffee,now that the weather is warming up,I look forward to sitting out on our balcony as I read. I love my time,since I have got Buster,it is his time too,he loves our morning time together,he seems to enjoy the birds singing early just as I do.I have had a tickle in my throat for a week,allergy season I believe is to blame for it.It wakes me up and makes for a long restless night. Sleeping with a cough drop in my mouth helps more then any thing but,I hate the taste that I have when I wake up,Lately I have been running to get that first cup of coffee and it has never tasted better.

I know you all must wander some times How I stay sane with kids all day and us having to stay in side so much---I don't! laugh--I sometimes think I have a child a sleep when there is none here; crazy but I miss them when I am alone on the week-In's here,It is to quiet---they are good company, never a dull moment with a house full of kids,I am one that loves to stay busy and have a hard time doing nothing,I do good to sit through a home movie.I have always been this way,My dear dad use to say to me "Rita just sit still for awhile and enjoy doing nothing" even after I grew up he still would say this to me and my answer to him became,"when I am to old to run about I will dad-I will" Dad was not able to get around much in his last few years here on earth,he loved to sit and listen to the birds as well as watch them eat out of bird feeders,and humming birds was a favorite of his,I use to go visit him just to sit and chat with his,he was a good man,a wise man. looking back I never heard him talk about folks as one can want to do some times,I can remember him saying 'if you can't say some thing good about a person you needed say any thing at all"I don't think many God fearing good church going folks can not gossip or speak ill of another and I know it is a sin as well as they do,and a flaw many have-some worse then others.What a wonderful world it would be if we could tame out tongue as the bible speaks of.I will say I have got better at it as I get older,and I have always been a fast for giver,I hate to dwell on ill feelings.I try not let a lot bother me,most folks problems go deeper if they are not treating folks right.Dad would say we need not to take to heart words that come from those who have a lot to work out with God. They was easy for him to spot it seemed and I've heard him say god help them,they have a mighty big chip on their shoulder that only he can remove.I have spotted a few my self-----I sure do miss dad, I am so thankful for all my visits and out talks,he always gave wise advise. Mom is a hard worker, she is a good woman,I never seen my mom spank any of us kids ( I needed several-my mouth got me into most my trouble-Dad did the spanking-ouch) I can not remember mom yelling at us either,dad did not yell,he did not have too,he had a look that said "you know better" and most the time we would shape right up.
He kept us busy but not with games and toys or TV ----with work around the house---good old hard work---NO PAY,we lived there,we all chipped in to do what needed to be done,he worked with us. He never put work off on us kids to do alone. I washed a many fruit jars when canning season came along,(my hands fit right in there)dad worked hard in the garden (he was proud of his big gardens)we picked many a strawberry and fresh vegetables,I can not remember mom ever doing any thing in the garden (nothing) dad took her the harvest,mom canned or put it into our freezer. I shelled a many beans shucked a many corn cob,picked lots of okra and tomatoes,dad grew many fresh vegetables-I was not raised on store bought can goods.we had some yes,most was raised eat fresh and mom put a lot away for winter.
we was not rich money wise but we was love wise,we was never cold or hungry,I was 6 months old when our second new home was built,(mom still lives in it)the first burned down when my oldest sister was small,dad got her out of the burning house. I was told she would have died if he had not of acted fast.He wet a blanket and put it over her and him self. Dad rebuild in the same spot, it was dad that came home at lunch to fed Kay after she was born,my mom had a nervous break down (I'd of thought it would of been after I was born-lol) Kay was only 2 lbs. and dad made her a home made incubator when he could no longer afford to keep her in the hospital(no credit cards),he worried mom would not fed her.I was told she would fit in a cracker box.Mom went to work after Kay was born,her doctor told said that would help her more then any thing with her nerves being bad. No getting a check as some get now for that.Hard Work keeps the mind busy and sweating is good dad would say,cleans the soul.Mom does not like to see LAZY people(nor do I)we was just not raised to be LAZY.......I think a lot of what we see in our young is because folks never taught children to work at a young age.I worked as soon as I could dust a table or wipe a spill. I do not believe in doing for one what they can for them selves at any age.The sooner they learn some thing--the sooner they move on to some thing else,that's what I say and the less you will have to do for them,let's not handicap our young. Lets make them strong in mind and body.I do believe that spanking is just a quick fix and it does not solve a problem. I am not 100% against it,more like 80%.I just do not think it is what needs to be done first second or third. If I had it to do over,I would not have spanked so fast,That was what dad did.Children was seen more then heard when I was growing up. We will repeat what we seen as a child unless we learn a better way,and as my children grew I seen a better way.They got spanked, and looking back I'd take away several of those spanking if I had it to do over,quick fix it not the answer in the long run,one day they will grow up and they will have no coping skills.
Coping skills is SO important,we must have them to teach them. I did have to learn them my self after I was grown. My kids came along and I had to learn them fast as they gave me lots to cope with. I am thankful for all they taught me-yes-they taught me,and for that I am blessed. Children change our world--- let's help them change it for the better.

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