Thursday, September 15, 2011

Me and my gang--------this is me with the children I keep here,Charlie 3 months,Aryn 3yrs,Andrew 2 yrs,Isaac 2yrs.----They are all good children,summer has just about come to an end and we will have to do some fall decorating soon,the weather has been really cool and crisp today,the children and I was all out doors today for a long time,The sun felt so good---I hate to see summer come to an end,I hope to get my Grandgirls over soon and let them help me with the fall decorating,I think they will like it,they just moved into a  house their mom and dad bought (their first)a couple months ago and are loving that too,before they rented--this new place it is not to far from us,just on the other side of town,a real  cosy place,not real big but not real small either,the girls each have their own bathrooms,they like that ,as the house has 3 bath rooms,Jadelyn has painted her room a bright green,pretty,and Madelyn has painted her room pink(with some help-lol)
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