Today was such a beautiful day,I woke up got my coffee and started on some sewing mending projects for my Nephew Chris who is in the nursing home here in my home town,he has got moved here from one that was 45 minutes away,Chris is only 5 minutes away and today after the mending was done,I went to the nursing home and ate lunch with him and my sister Chris's mom my big sis Kay was there,her friend had dropped her off there after church today,we all had a real nice visit and I just so happen to have taken my camera and got a picture of Chris,he always goes out to soak up some nature vitamin D,Chris was proud I took his picture,I put one in a nice fall collage for him and sent it to be made in a 5x7 so next time I can surprise him with it when I go to visit,Chris was born with muscular dystrophy and at the age of 6 he could not left up his legs to catch a school bus,he did go to a public school until he was not able to go around the age of 12 he was in and out of hospitals and at the age of around 16 he dropped out of school and took his GED test and passed it so that was over with,and at a young age in his early 20's he moved into an handicap apartment,where he lived until about 5 years ago when he went into first a Little Rock nursing home then on to Searcy until he could get into one in his home town.I enjoy him being close and love going out to visit him,he is a sweet heart.
After my visit with Chris I headed for mom's,I visited with her for a couple hours,then on to my sons' who lives along and is also disabled,he has been sick with bronchitis and was spitting up blood,I had spend 3 hours in the ER. with him a couple days ago,got him back home and was thankful it was not worse then it was,today he was feeling much better,I had picked him up a few things on my way for him,then after I seen him,I called my hubby (who is at work)and ask if he might like my company this afternoon and took him a blizzard from D.Q,and yes I had one too,it was Sooo good,I think it has been close to a year since I had ate one,he and I had a nice visit,then it was back home after making a day of visiting folks,I got to play my zuma game on my PC and check my email,now it is my bed time,I hope every one had a wonderful blessed day as I did.I am ready for a good nights sleep and for the children to come tomarrow.
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