Monday, May 9, 2011

Wow Tunica Casinos Closed

We have heard that Tunia Casinos may not open back up until some time in July this year 2011,water is even in on first floors of game rooms---this is the worse I've ever heard of Mississippi fluiding,Memphis has fluids also,Mud Island is fluided as well as Tommy Lee park there. We go to memphis and Tunica area often and sure hope it dries up soon,I feel for all the workers out of jobs because of the fluids and worse for the families of lost ones due to fluids,I have a good friend who lost her step dad due to an accident helping clear a damaged area due to storms,this lady's step dad passeed away Sat. May the 7th. between fliuds and storm damage there has been a lot of lives taken and so much damage done in several states with-in the past month,and we are having Earth Quakes in my home town now,so far not bad anough for any damage,we did have another last week,I hope this want become a problem for us as it has been in other states.
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