The children were all excited over meeting baby Jace this week,he is 5 months old and has a dimple on his left cheek and a deep dimple on his chin. the girls entertained Jace while the boys played together
I open at 7:30am and close at 5:30pm,if I need to I will open early and stay late for an extra fee and in case of emergency only. A 10 hour day is long anough. I will keep school bus kids in the afternoon only.
HOW SWEET-he seems to love the children already and they him
He is a pretty baby-he is in good hands with you,you are so good with children,they all love you,I am sure every child you have had has had days when they wanted to stay with Miss Rita,they know you love them
I read your blog weekly and have never made a comment,I have to say,the children around the baby is just so sweet-they all look like angels,---Rosa in Memphis
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