Monday, December 27, 2010

Another Year comes to an end

A cause to celebrate--- Wow -I can hardly believe that in just a few more days another year will have passed us by: This has been a good year,I have made new DEAR friends,I have had old friends stand by me when the road became twisted,I have learned there are good people,honest people in this evil world where evil looks us in the face sometimes in sheep's clothing,I recall reading some where in the bible the words "we shall know them by the fruit they bare"Gods people will be slow to anger,soft spoken-wise with words and listen with their heart.

In a world where the devil works through people,God has Blessed Me in so many ways,best of all with true friends.

My son David who is mentally ill is doing good on reduced medication and what he takes now is not as strong as it once was,he is more him self,and he now laughs,he seems happy.
David underwent 2 surgeries this year.He has recovered but one took 6 months of having a wound packed and the bandage changed every day 7 days a week for 6 months,I got staph infection,I believe maybe it came from going to the hospital ER taking David to have his bandage changed for months everyday.

I hurt my leg and had torn tendons and muscles and was in a wheel chair about 3 1/2 months.God blessed me then too,my family was here to help and I did not have to close my childcare. I was blessed with a full recovery and a doggy friend who wanted to ride in my lap every time that wheel chair moved,he gave me lots of love and just hung out with me most days snuggled close,my blind dog Buster.

One of my Sister-N-law's is recovering from having a stint put in her heart just last week.Pasty had been having problems with blood clots and in and out of WRMC 4 or 5 times some times 2 weeks at a time,she has to have Gall stones removed in a few months,another surgery for her.

My baby sister goes into the hospital tomorrow to have fluid removed ,God Bless and keep her,his will be done. Her health is not good,she needs prayers.Her liver is failing.

My Father-N-Law recovered from Cancer "I believe God still heals"-----he just a little less than a month ago under went a surgery putting a big part of his colon back together he has another small surgery coming up in a couple months to finish up as this was done in steps to be safer.

Our grandson Colton under went another ear surgery and is hearing better now,he was born death and is almost 3 years old now.He has learned to take out his hearing aid when in trouble or when he does not like what mom is saying.Boys will be Boys.

I have been in less pain the past 6 months----I went to see Barry Joneshill in Rosebud Arkansas,he is truly gifted,he has helped me with his health reading.
I have been blessed with new friends-Dear friends. God has been so good to me.

I pray God bless you today and always:If you find your luck bad it may not be any one's fault,Look into the mirror-be careful not to blame but to pray and seek forgiveness for your own sins. I pray God give you strength and many blessing in our new year 2011.
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